Necklace made of Rhodochrosite and Black Onyx set in Sterling Silver
“Open up again to your passion for joy, beauty and richness in life.
Let your inner wisdom guide you to reach them.”
* Please cilck images for further details.
When I wear my own piece of this necklace, I almost always choose a black top or dress to team up. However, when I took these photos, I did not feel black. Instead I chose a smoky pink top and matching culottes. I was happy to see how the necklace suited this outfit, but also noticed the smoky pink outfit was bringing out slightly different healing energy from the jewellery I was used to.
When I was guided to design and create this necklace from higher minds, I was puzzled by the finished energy. There were two strong elements of healing energy this jewellery contained – one coming from energy of the black onyx and sterling silver and the other from the rhodochrosite. In spite of each energy being quite strong and distinguished, they were perfectly merging and weaving into unique synergy of healing power.
Although this necklace has an overall energy feature (please read the full energy profile at the bottom of this blog post), a different aspect of healing energy can be brought out.
When I wear this jewellery with a black outfit, it brings out healing energy of the black onyx and sterling silver more prominently than the rhodochrosite, creating a kind of energy which I call “energy of strategy”. I name this because the energy of this necklace helps to focus and steamline my mind and thoughts. Healing energy of the rohdochrosite was giving and adding just a right amount of passion to the focus.
However when I teamed up this necklace with the pink outfits, I sensed healing energy of the rohdocrosite working more strongly. I felt the energy of this necklace was now working at my heart chakra gently opening it up. I also felt my energy gently boosted. Joy and passion for life were gently re-ignited.
I chose the pink outfits, as I instinctively knew I needed this aspect of healing energy from this jewellery. Choosing a yellow handbag was probably from the same need. This bright yellow colour boosted my energy, further adding a sense of joy , beauty and passion.
A shorter version of this necklace was purchased by a customer recently. She purchased Graceful Encounter’s jewellery before and has now more
than one piece of jewellery.
I suggested to her when choosing jewellery to wear, she may want to ask the universe, higher minds or higher self etc, what jewellery would work for her highest good for the day. After choosing the jewellery, she could connect to the jewellery’s energy and ask what outfits would work with the healing energy of the jewellery best for the day. Then guided by inner instinct, she could choose the outfit to wear together with the jewellery. This may give her the best coordinated energy mix and structure for the day.
It is always fascinating to see how my healing jewellery works.
Not just simply making and selling my jewellery, it is also my joy to share knowledge upon how to work with jewellery in daily life for my customer’s highest good.

Necklace made of Rhodochrosite & Black Onyx

Energy Profile:
“Open up again to your passion for joy, beauty and richness in life. Let your inner wisdom guide you to reach them.”
This necklace is made of Rhodocrosite and Black Onyx. Sterling Silver hammered rings, spacers and clasp.
I was intrigued by the healing energy of this jewellery made of Rhodochrosite and Black Onyx in Sterling Silver. Upon meditation, I sensed the energy of Rhodochrosite can work on Heart Chakra re-connecting and revising your passion for joy, beauty and richness in life. It can also gently boost your energy. The healing energy of Rhodochrosite helps moving forward with increased energy and the opening heart chakra gives a sense of enhanced richness, beauty and joy.
Black Onyx can help release negative emotions. It also provides clarity and promotes clearer awareness and direction of life. This stone works harmoniously with the Rhodochrosite in this design. It aids connection to inner wisdom, which provides guidance on reaching joy, beauty and richness. Black Onyx also has healing energy for grounding – grounding your energy and manifesting these beautiful qualities of joy, beauty and richness in life.
Sterling Silver also adds its own healing quality. It stream-lines the healing energy of Rhodochrosite and Black Onyx giving focus and solidity.
However, gemstones have many healing properties and the energy of each person is different. It may be sensed/felt differently by each wearer.
*Each stone, I work with, is energetically thoroughly purified and then energised so the energy becomes alive. I energise finished jewellery again for the highest good of the wearer.